Are you an early career mental health professional actively working with clients for 3 months - 3 years only, trained at a university in India?
We need your help! Your contribution to this vital research that will hopefully help new therapists in the future will only take 10-15 minutes of your time!
In return, 3 randomly selected participants can get a FREE career guidance session by Rhea Mathews, Apphia Dsouza or Rhea Gandhi. We can help early career therapists learn from our mistakes and answer absolutely any questions under the sun!
If you consent to be contacted after the study, we will further incentivise you (we promise to make it worth your time!).
The 3 of us are a part of the International Attachment Network and are doing research so we can find ways to help YOU better in the future in ways that are low cost. It's a win-win!
Please participate and contribute to a field that really needs your help.